Praise be to Allah,
Ibn Kathir mentioned the story in his tafsir. He said, “‘Amr ibn al-‘As—before he embraced Islam—went to Musaylimah, the liar. Musaylimah said to him, “What has been revealed to your companion in Mecca at this time?”
‘Amr said to him, “Indeed, a concise, eloquent surah has been revealed to him.” Musaylimah replied, “What is it?” ‘Amr said:
-وَالعَصرِ- إِنَّ الإِنسانَ لَفي خُسرٍ
(Translation): By the time; indeed, mankind is in loss; Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience.
Musaylimah thought for an hour or so, then he raised his head and said,
“Indeed, something similar to this has been revealed to me.” ‘Amr said,
“What is it?” Musaylimah replied:
‘O rock rabbit, O rock rabbit, you are only two ears and a chest, and the rest of you is lowly and impoverished’
Then Musaylimah said, “O ‘Amr, what do you think about it?” ‘Amr said,
“By Allah M, you know, that I know, that you are lying.
Tafsir ibn Kathir, 1/82
Advice Regarding the Book of Allah by the noble scholar Shaykh Hamid al Hakami. Explained by Shaykh Abdul Razak al Badr. Page 109